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The Hultquist Blog

Relying on Just Your Profit and Loss Statement Will Make You Broke

As a CPA, I meet with a lot of business owners, and it never surprises me when I hear them say “we have a profit, but I never have any cash!” It’s definitely a real concern…and there’s a relatively simple solution. First off, make sure your accounting is right. As the old saying goes, garbage […]

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Accounting is Sexy

I know what you’re saying…”accounting…sexy…yeah right!” It’s the course in college everyone hated.  It’s the mundane part of owning a business.  It’s the countless hours you spend on evenings and weekends entering data.  It’s used when you have the annual dreaded appointment with your CPA. Trust me, the list goes on and on, and I’ve […]

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Do you need a strategic CFO?

Critical Questions to Consider: Does your company think Strategic? Do you know what it means to be Strategic? Have you thought about what you want your Company to look like in 5, 15, 30 years? Have you thought about what you want to be doing in 5, 15, 30 years? Do you want your company […]

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Last Minute 2013 Tax Moves

Well, we are bearing down on December 31st, and in our world that means more than just holiday parties and gifts. To us, it’s the last chance for you to do any tax planning before year-end. Not to beat a dead horse, but if you wait until after year-end, your options become really limited. So, […]

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When Should a Company Hire a Fractional CFO (Part-Time CFO)?

Plain and simple, the best time is when a company needs to get the expertise needed at a fraction of the cost.  Most small companies have many of the same needs to that of a large business when it comes to the finance and accounting function.  The biggest difference is that they don’t need it […]

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