Oct 17 A Simple Way to Spot Issues in Your Financial Statements Most CPA’s seem to start with the assumption that a business owner should know how to read a financial statement. When a client has a question about their business or cash flow, a CPA’s typical response is “well, you need to review your financial statements each month.” I’ve worked with enough business owners to understand […] Read more
Sep 30 The Foundation for Effective Tax and Business Planning is… If you are a business owner, there is one basic thing that is essential for effective tax and business planning. Is it some crazy secret only us CPA’s know about? Are you ready for it? It’s good Accounting (or Bookkeeping, Recordkeeping, or whatever you want to call it)! Is this a secret? No… Is it […] Read more
Sep 25 The Quickest Ways to Go Out of Business Most entrepreneurs love sales. The more sales the better. They use words like scale and velocity and other fancy terms for growth. But in the “real” day-to-day world of starting and running a business, sales are sales, no matter what you prefer to call them. And chasing sales for sales sake is a sure-fire way […] Read more