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The Hultquist Blog

Uncovering Customer Needs & Wants

When you are in business, it’s understandable that you want to make sales.  You have to make sales to make a profit and pay your employees, overhead, etc. Most customers, when they come to you, have certain needs. In our case, it might be a tax return or accounting, or an audit, for example. And […]

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Try Listening for a Change

I got an email this morning that was so frustrating.  Let me give you some context. My payroll company also handles our company 401(k).  My annual Form 5500 is due, so they sent me an email with the instructions to login and submit the pre-populated Form 5500. Easy enough, right? I went in to file […]

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Bookkeeping That Will Transform Your Business

Is one of the most mundane parts of your business the bookkeeping?  You work 80 hours a week, then dread sitting down for 4 hours on a Saturday to catch up the accounting – entering bills, invoices, payments, deposits and reconciling accounts. Fun… So you hire a bookkeeper to come in and do your bookkeeping.  […]

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Why Bookkeeping Is Vital…

I can’t think of anything more boring for a business owner than bookkeeping!  I don’t know many small business owners who really enjoy doing it.  But bookkeeping is deceiving.  It’s deceiving because it is so essential to your success – and not just entering numbers wherever you want, but having your bookkeeping done right.  And […]

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Was Your Business Profitable in 2013?

I cringe when I ask business owners how their business did for the year and they say “Well, I’ll know when my CPA does my tax return” or “Well, I have money in the checking account…”  Seriously?   That’s pretty sad. I was in training all day yesterday on business metrics and why you should track them.  […]

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