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The Hultquist Blog

5 Business Tax Planning Ideas To Ask Your CPA About Before Year-End

If your CPA has not approached you yet about year-end tax planning, you may have to approach them to get the ball rolling. Here are 5 tax planning ideas to bring up that could save you some money… -New 20% deduction – many businesses will qualify, but many won’t. This is especially true for service […]

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Do You Have a “Qualified Business” for the Angel Investor Tax Credit?

In 2013, South Carolina passed the High Growth Small Business Job Creation Act, otherwise known as the Angel Investor Act.  This Act allows angel investors a South Carolina state tax credit on up to 35% of its qualified investment in a “qualified business.” From an investor standpoint this is a great deal…and it is a […]

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The Foundation for Effective Tax and Business Planning is…

If you are a business owner, there is one basic thing that is essential for effective tax and business planning. Is it some crazy secret only us CPA’s know about? Are you ready for it? It’s good Accounting (or Bookkeeping, Recordkeeping, or whatever you want to call it)! Is this a secret? No… Is it […]

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Own Commercial Real Estate? Write it Off Faster with Cost Segregation…

Have you heard of a cost segregation analysis? This tax planning idea can save you a lot of money. Tax planning is all about ideas, being creative, and seeing how all the puzzle pieces fit.  And a cost segregation analysis can be one of those ideas to have in your arsenal. Let me give you […]

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The Trap Most People Fall Into With Income Tax Planning

Let’s face it, most income tax planning comes down to timing. There are few ways to permanently get rid of income taxes, unless you simply don’t make any money. I love lowering my taxes as much as possible just like everyone else, but if my strategy is to make less money just to pay less […]

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Opportunity Zone Funds – A Legal Way to Pay No Capital Gains Taxes?

The Trump Tax Law created a new type of investment vehicle called an Opportunity Zone Fund. An Opportunity Zone is an economically distressed community that is designated as such by a state, and then certified by the Secretary of the US Treasury. The purpose of these Funds is to spur economic development and job creation […]

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