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The Hultquist Blog

You May Now Get The Lucrative 20% Pass-Through Tax Deduction

Under the Trump Tax Law, certain service businesses were excluded from the new 20% Pass-Through Deduction. More specifically, businesses that make more than a certain amount of income, and were in the following fields: health, law, accounting, actuarial science, brokerage, financial services, performing arts, athletics, consultants, AND any other trade or business where the principal […]

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Opportunity Zone Funds – A Legal Way to Pay No Capital Gains Taxes?

The Trump Tax Law created a new type of investment vehicle called an Opportunity Zone Fund. An Opportunity Zone is an economically distressed community that is designated as such by a state, and then certified by the Secretary of the US Treasury. The purpose of these Funds is to spur economic development and job creation […]

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Last Minute 2013 Tax Moves

Well, we are bearing down on December 31st, and in our world that means more than just holiday parties and gifts. To us, it’s the last chance for you to do any tax planning before year-end. Not to beat a dead horse, but if you wait until after year-end, your options become really limited. So, […]

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